Summer Reading @ GHC Libraries

Everything slows down during the summer months. Vacations and long weekends are coming soon. Take a peek at the Pop-Titles at your GHC Library. When you have a moment, come into your local branch or you can see some of our collection here on this page. Find something to read but it is not at […]

Banner Self-Service 8 (SSB8x: SCORE) to Self-Service 9 (SSB9x)

As announced by Ellucian, USG’s student information system provider, and posted in GHC’s Monthly Upgrade Announcements,  Banner Self-Service 8 core modules and localizations will be in Maintenance Support until March 31, 2024. In support of GHC’s SSB9 Adoption Team, EAS has added a temporary tab to the Information Technology’s Banner Page. The tab will house […]

Accessibility Summer Camp Today

Join us today, Friday, June 2 at the Accessibility Summer Camp, a free virtual one-day conference that provides accessibility training that empowers attendees to create quality, accessible learning environments and remove barriers for all individuals who have the desire to learn. Register today! Can’t commit to attending all day? Check out the Program to register […]

Tomorrow: Accessibility Summer Camp

Join us this Friday, June 2 at the Accessibility Summer Camp, a free virtual one-day conference that provides accessibility training that empowers attendees to create quality, accessible learning environments and remove barriers for all individuals who have the desire to learn. Register today! Can’t commit to attending all day? Check out the Program to register for […]