Ethics concerns for Athletics

Maintaining an ethical environment is very tough. Many times, seemingly small issues can cause major headaches and unearth various ethical  challenges. This can be very evident in the area of Athletics. Student athletes and coaches face daily challenges that affect not only a student’s chance at a possible career, but also impact the college as […]

Ethics: Who’s watching you? IT: A commitment to freedom of speech, privacy, and academic freedom

A college’s Office of Information Technology has extensive reach in monitoring, updating, storing and protecting an institution’s information systems. This broad range of power comes with  immense ethical challenges. Office of GHC’s Information Technology: “Ethics plays a critical role in the Division of Information Technology (IT) at Georgia Highlands College (GHC) due to the profound […]

Ethics Awareness Week Presentation: The Color of Money

As part of USG’s Ethics Awareness Week, Please join USG for the presentation: The Color of Money: Uses and Limitations Tuesday, November 7 Even though this presentation targets Finance Leadership and staff, everyone is welcome to attend. Please register for this event via ZOOM, Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 849 7413 1393 Passcode: […]

Ethics Awareness Week: A message from President Mike Hobbs

Georgia Highlands is an important, integral part of Rome’s and NW Georgia’s community.  It is deeply committed to it’s students, community leaders and employees, many of whom are our neighbors.  As such, Georgia Highlands’s success depends on its reputation.   President Mike Hobbs understands this. “As an access college, chief among our lessons to students […]

Ethics: It can be complicated

What would you do when you’re faced with a situation that seems “wrong”?  Is it an abuse of policy? A situation with a student and teacher that appears to blur lines. What about situations that may seem innocent on face value but could have layers? As USG begins its Ethics Awareness Week, Nov. 6-10, we […]

CETL: Templates are your Friends

Templates are your Friends Wednesday, November 15, 2023  |  2-3 pm  |  Zoom  |  Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins Would you love to have a template help streamline your online course and assure quality and accessibility? Join us on November 15 at 2:00 pm for an exploration ofthe USG’s Online Course Design Template. The webinar will show […]