RSVP online by 10/31/22
Category Archives: Uncategorized
5 Complimentary HIPs Webinars
“The Assessment Institute will host 5 complimentary Zoom-based 60-minute webinars throughout the year featuring national leaders from HIPs in the States (High-Impact Practices). These sessions are open to anyone in the higher education community.” Wed, November 30: Why is equitable participation in experiential education so elusive? Wed, February 22: What role(s) do student affairs educators play […]
Your Students’ Work Deserves to be Shared
Zoom Registration
Action required on Tobacco and Working spouse
Reminder: Employees must certify the tobacco user status or pay a $150 surcharge per month. The tobacco and working spouse surcharges will increase from $100 to $150 dollars per month. The tobacco surcharge applies to employees, spouses and dependent children 18 and older, enrolled in a USG Healthcare plan who uses tobacco or who do […]
THIS THURSDAY – Fall Frenzy/Free Movie – Cartersville Site
Encanto! Outdoor Movie & Fall Frenzy! Food, games, inflatables, costume contests, prizes and an outdoor movie! Thursday, October 27, Cartersville Site – Intramural Field next to the Student Center. Festivities begin at 5:45pm, costume contests at 6:30pm! movie begins at 7pm or sundown! Bring a blanket and chairs for the movie! All students, faculty/staff and their families and pets are invited! […]
Author Andy Davidson to be on Paulding Site 10.31.2022
The Creative Writing Club is hosting published author Andy Davidson for a reading and book signing on the Paulding Site Monday, October 31, at 2PM. Andy’s third novel, The Hollow Kind, was released October 11 to rave reviews in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, and more. Barnes & Noble booksellers includes the novel on […]
Next Week @ CETL: D2L Accessibility, Online Course Delivery Lab, & Your Students’ Work Deserves to be Shared
D2L Accessibility Tues., Nov. 1 | 12:30-1:30 pm, Zoom | Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht D2L courses are accessible when people with all kinds of disabilities can perceive, understand, navigate, and interact with them. Join us for tips on how to address common barriers to accessibility for D2L course content. Course Delivery Lab: Online Learning Asynchronous D2L […]
Haunted Rome- Today at 2PM
Stop by the Floyd Campus Library today at 2PM to hear Southern Paranormal Investigations share local ghost stories!
CPOS: Top Five Things to Know
CPOS reporting begins with Summer 2023 registration. Students learn about courses on their schedule that are not eligible for federal financial aid via email, Schedule Bill, SCORECard, and MyGHC. CPOS deadlines to submit program of study (pathway) change requests and substitution forms are on the Academic Calendar starting with the Summer 2023 semester. Find more […]
Haunted Rome @ GHC Library- This Wednesday
Stop by the Floyd Campus Library this Wednesday at 2PM to hear Southern Paranormal Investigations share local ghost stories!