Ethics Awareness Week Wednesday Question

Answer to Tuesday’s question: Tuesday’s Answer: Thank you for participating in today’s Ethics Awareness Week question. Listed below is the answer to today’s ethics question. Participate each day this week to test your ethics and compliance awareness. Today’s question was about travel by USG employees. Q: Which of the following statements are true: A. Employees […]

Ethics Awareness Week Question of the Day

Please see below for today’s ethics awareness question. Today’s question concerns travel by USG employees.Q: Which of the following statements are true: A. Employees must have written authorization in advance from the Chancellor or designee to attend trainings and conferences paid for by vendors.B. Prior approval is required for lodging that is within 50 miles […]

EAW-Panel November 10th

Ethics Awareness Week Best Practices Panel Plan to watch this virtually. Link will be provided later. Ethics & Compliance Panel Discussion“Steering an Ethical Culture”Through Rapid Change & The Great ResignationThursday, Nov. 10, 202211AM-12PM, Virtually Hostedcontinuing education credits available PanelistRon CarruciCo-Founder & Managing PartnerNavalent PanelistDr. Sri RamamoortiAssociate Professor, AccountingUniversity of Dayton – Ohio PanelistDr. Juanita Hicks, […]

Pecan Distribution

Pecan Distribution will be Wednesday, November 16 and Thursday November 17 in the Library on the Floyd Campus from 9:00-5:00. The distribution will take place in the Conference Room to the left of the front doors of the Library. Please pick your order up during these hours. Rob (for Brenda Weeks)

Today: How to earn a HIPs Designation

HIPs Planning & Proposals Mon., Nov. 7 |  2:00-3:00 pm, Zoom  |  Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht Are you already teaching a High Impact Practice (HIP) course and want to know what’s next? Do you want to learn more about HIP courses in general? Are you ready to propose a course for HIP designation […]