Behavioral health Specialists at Your Fingertips

If you are feeling stressed, worried or having a tough time, you can talk to a licensed psychologist or therapist through video using LiveHealth Online Psychology. LiveHealth Online is an easy to use, private and, in most cases, you can see a therapist within four days or less. Behaviorial Specialists at Your Fingertips 2018  


Each day we are faced with events that can have an effect on us, both personally and professionally. Whether it is childcare, financial, legal, health, or emotional issues, the effects are often felt in all areas of our life. In order to better prepare us for all the challenges we may face, the EAP has […]

PAAR Announcement

Congratulations are extended to Dr. Jesse R. Bishop for being selected as the new Dean for Placement, Assessment, Accreditation and Research. Jesse graduated from GHC in 2002. He returned with his Masters in English from UWG in January 2005 as part-time Instructor in Developmental English and was hired full-time tenure track August 2007. Jesse was […]


Castlight is your personalized healthcare assistant. It’s provided for free by your employer and is completely confidential. Castlight is designed for you to get more out your health plan and benefits so you can experience healthcare in a whole new way. Start using Castlight at Castlight_Handout_Open-Enrollment_(8.5x11_one-sided) (1)

Internal Posting – Assistant Softball Coach

This role functions as an Assistant Softball Coach in a multi-site University System of Georgia college. GHC is a member of the National Junior College Athletic Association, NJCAA (Division 1). Reporting to the head coach of the softball team, this position will assist the head coach in all aspects of the program. For detailed information […]

Commencement Photos and Video

Commencement photos can be found here: Photos are downloadable directly from the flickr site. The video of the 2018 Commencement can be found here:

New OneUSG Connect Email Address

Starting on June 4, 2018, the email address you use to submit tickets to get help with OneUSG Connect is changing. Current Support Email Addresses New Support Email Address The OneUSG Connect Support phone number is staying the same, only the email address is changing. If you have questions, please contact OneUSG […]

Employee Recognition Nominations

During Fall In-Service 2018 we will be recognizing those employees who are committed to excellence. We all know excellence is not a singular act; it’s a habit. We are surrounded by co-workers who ask more of themselves and make a habit of going above and beyond. But, we cannot do it without YOU! One of […]