New Tornado App

The Red Cross is offering a free app that sounds an alarm when a tornado is in the vicinity of either Android devices or iPhones or iPads. Here’s the link:

USG eClips

the AJC reports that one of the bills before the legislature says that institutions must accept the revised HOPE as full tuition payment. Now good news for our already spare budget. USGNEWS: Engineer Brought a Passion for Teaching to the Presidency of a Georgia University Beheruz N. Sethna, 64, will retire this spring […]

USG eClips

USG NEWS: ABAC rededication activities today include painting by world famous artist Special to The Gazette TIFTON — When Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College unveils its historic front campus in a 1:30 p.m. rededication ceremony today, a unique painting from a world famous Georgia artist will be a part of the festivities. […]

Honor’s Night Submissions

The Office of Student Life is requesting nominations for the annual Spirit Award, Leadership Award, Who¹s Who and Steve Burns Service Award. Please consider students to nominate for each award. Individuals to be nominated may come from your classes, club, work environment or from the student body in general. All awards will be presented during […]


USG eClips

GOOD NEWS: UGA makes Daily Beast list of ‘amazing’ schools A news website associated with the Newsweek online magazine has named the University of Georgia to its list of “25 Colleges You Haven’t Considered But Should.” …According to the website, the music scene in Athens is an “overlooked merit” of attending UGA. […]

ASF waiting list started

The Alabama Shakespeare Festival trip is now full, but a waiting list has been started. There is no charge to get on the waiting list, and those who want to be added to the list just need to contact the student life coordinator at any GHC location. In the past, many (sometimes all) of those […]