Courageous Conversations coming to a campus near you!

Courageous Conversations are coming!   February 16 – Paulding, 12:00-1:00pm, Student Lounge “Pizza & Privileges” What is privilege? Who has privilege?  Are some of us born with, granted or earned certain privileges that place us at an advantage and others at a disadvantage? Join us for a Courageous Conversation on privilege and how our society is affected […]

Next Step Fair

The Advising Department will be hosting our annual Next Step (Transfer) College Fair on Wednesday, February 22nd from 10:00AM – 3:00PM on the Cartersville Instructional Site. It is a great opportunity for students to meet one-on-one with representatives from other colleges and learn more about transfer opportunities. We currently have received confirmation for the following […]


Share your Heart

A Healthy Heart is a Happy Heart! The Heart of the Community invites you to exercise your heart in a FUN event: On February 18th, the Heart of the Community will once again host a Heart Walk-Cycle-Paddle Event.  This is not a Triathlon!  You may participate in any one of the events just meet at […]

ASF trip sign-up begins Feb. 1

Sign-up begins today for the college’s annual trip to the Alabama Shakespeare Festival in Montgomery. The trip is co-sponsored by Humanities and Student Life and is open to GHC students, employees, and guests. This year’s trip will be the weekend of April 22-23. The featured plays are “The Tempest” by Shakespeare at ASF and the […]

Ransomware: Still a Threat

Ransomware is back in the news again and the latest victims of these attacks have been library and school systems. This type of malicious software is particularly effective because of how thorough and destructive it can be in a business environment- and how easily it spreads across a computer network. Remember, never open unexpected email […]

GHC 1st Amendment Awareness Week

Jan. 30-Feb. 4 is First Amendment Awareness Week at GHC. Sponsored by the Six Mile Post since 2004, this is a week when everyone at the college is encouraged to read the First Amendment and think about its  importance. A list of this year’s co-sponsors follows the text of the amendment. “Congress shall make no […]

2016-17 Faculty Staff Campaign – Update

“The future is always beginning now” – Mark Strand.  The Spring semester has begun and some students are new to GHC, and their future is beginning now.  If you have not done so already, we ask that you consider making a gift to the GHC Faculty/Staff Campaign. You can designate your dollars to scholarships, athletics or our […]

Next Step Fair

The Advising Department will be hosting our annual Next Step (Transfer) College Fair on Wednesday, February 22nd from 10:00AM – 3:00PM on the Cartersville Instructional Site. It is a great opportunity for students to meet one-on-one with representatives from other colleges and learn more about transfer opportunities. We currently have received confirmation for the following […]


New and updated Policies

A new policy, Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace, has been added.  The policy, Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment, has been updated. They can both be found in the policy section of the Human Resources page. They can be found under Compliance-Policies. Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace Nondiscrimination and Anti Harassment