USG Ethics & Compliance Best Practices Panel

As USG’s Ethics Awareness week continues, please remember to register for this event: USG Ethics & Compliance Best Practices Panel 11/8 10-11am Link to REGISTER NOW. Here is the direct link if needed: Speakers include: Rob Chestnut: Author of Intentional Integrity, former US Justice Dept.& Federal Prosecutor Robert Chesnut is a Harvard Law School and University […]

USG Events for Ethics Awareness Week

Events and Highlights for Ethics Awareness Week Please join Dr. Sonny Perdue, 14th Chancellor of USG, for Chancellor’s Event: 1. USG Chancellor’s Event 11/4 10-11am .   Link to JOIN LIVE. Here is the direct link if needed for employees to join the live stream: 2.  USG Ethics & Compliance Best Practices Panel 11/8 10-11am […]

Ethics Awareness Week Nov. 4 – 10

USG Annual Ethics Awareness Week – November 4 -10. ETHICS: moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity. Making ethical decisions can be complicated and but the results of not acting ethically can have negative consequences.  As part of the USG System, we do adhere to USG Core Values and […]

TRS Website Upate

Teachers Retirement System of Georgia (TRS) TRS-Covered Employees TRS is launching an updated website soon!  The information you need to conduct your TRS-related business will be available anytime you need it, but in a format that’s easier for members, retirees, and employers to use. The update will not impact the secure member or employer portals. […]

TRS Pre-Retirement Seminar – Estate Planning/Social Security/TRS

Are you a member of TRS and thinking about retiring? Please join TRS for a Half-Day Pre-Retirement Seminar at: Kennesaw State University Saturday, February 10, 2024 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Event Building and Parking Details Social Sciences Building – Room 1021 Kennesaw State University – Kennesaw Campus 402 Bartow Avenue Kennesaw, GA 30144 Map Select Kennesaw […]

Ethics Challenge: Maintaining Academic Integrity

As students begin their first steps into the world of academics and adulthood, demonstrating strong ethical standards to our students will, hopefully, guide them to make decisions based on fairness, honesty and trust. Michelle Lockett, Assistant Vice President – Academic Resources and Retention, shares these thoughts on promoting a bond of ethical behavior between faculty […]