Print and Electronic 2018 W-2 Availability

Electronic 2018 W-2s are now available in OneUSG Connect. To view or download your W-2, follow these steps: 1. Log into OneUSG Connect 2. Click the Taxes tile 3. Land on the View W-2/W-2c Forms page 4. For the Tax Year 2018, click Year End Form Please note:  If you received your W-2 by mail, […]

Resolved Known Issue: Biweekly Employee Leave Balances

Last week, we notified you about an issue with the OneUSG Connect. Bi-weekly employees were unable to view their leave balances in Employee Self Service. This issue has been resolved. To see the most accurate leave-balance information, we recommend that you clear your web browser’s cache and history. If you have questions and concerns, please […]

ACA Form 1095 Electronic Consent

Get your new tax form fast. Go electronic. You can now receive your medical coverage tax form, Form 1095, electronically. The 1095 tax form shows that you and your dependents were offered or enrolled in medical coverage during the tax year. Proving that you’re adequately insured each year is mandatory and you’ll need this important […]

Georgia employees may see a change in the amount of Georgia income tax withholding from their paycheck beginning in January, 2019

On March 1, 2018, the Georgia General Assembly adopted HB 918 which may reduce income taxes payable by individuals subject to taxation in Georgia. Some major features of the bill are as follows: Reduction in Top Individual Income Tax Rate. HB 918 includes a two-phased reduction in the top individual income tax rate. In 2018, […]

2019 Retirement Plan Limits

The IRS recently announced the 2019 retirement plan limits for the upcoming year. Please note the highlights are as follows: The 415 contribution limit for defined contribution plans increased from $55,000 to $56,000. The Maximum Annual Salary limitation for determining benefits increased from $275,000 to $280,000. The 403(b) and 457(b) Elective deferrals increased from $18,500 to […]

TRS Beneficiary Designations

For those of you enrolled in TRS, have you designated a TRS beneficiary?  Have you checked yours lately to see if it’s up-to-date?  Be sure you’re leaving any remaining benefits to the right people. As required by Georgia law, TRS must pay remaining benefits at the time you pass away based on the latest designation […]

Make a Date for Your Eyes

You may think you need an eye exam only when it’s time to update your eyewear prescription. But the truth is, eye exams are about a lot more than seeing whether you need a new pair of glasses or con­tacts. Comprehensive eye exams play an important role in your overall wellness, and you should get […]