Best Practices in Teaching Symposium
Author Archives: rrupprec
CETL: Caring for Self and Students
Caring for Self and Students Tues, Apr 13 | 4:00-5:15 pm, Zoom | Facilitators: Angie Wheelus & Josie Baudier This workshop is a combination of two previous workshops offered in February and March. Join Angie and Josie to discuss emotions, stress and how you may see them in students and yourselves, identify how these experiences […]
Best Practices in Teaching Symposium
Best Practices in Teaching Symposium
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) Dates: March 30-April 13, 2021 Facilitators: Lisa Jellum & Rachel Rupprecht The APPQMR is Quality Matters’s (QM) flagship workshop on the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses. In it, participants learn to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations […]
CETL: Conferences
Harvard: Getting—and Then Keeping—Students Engaged Wed, March 31, 11am-12pm Student engagement continues to be the primary concern for educators. In this webinar, Mike Roberto, professor and author of numerous simulations and multimedia cases, will talk about the many ways to successfully connect with students and leverage tech tools to create meaningful class discussions in online, […]
CETL: APPQMR workshop
Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR) Dates: March 30-April 13, 2021 Facilitators: Lisa Jellum & Rachel Rupprecht The APPQMR is Quality Matters’s (QM) flagship workshop on the QM Rubric and its use in reviewing the design of online and blended courses. In it, participants learn to apply the concept of alignment and draft helpful recommendations […]
Three Upcoming CETL Workshops
Accessibility: Documents Wed, Mar 17 | 9:30-10:45 am, Zoom | Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht This is the third of CETL’s four-part Accessibility workshop series, in which we explain standards and strategies for making course content accessible to all students. In this workshop you will learn what it means for Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and PDF documents to […]
Best Practices in Teaching Symposium
Best Practices in Teaching Symposium
CETL: How do you take care of yourself?
Faculty and Staff: Recognizing the Need for Self-Care Mon, Mar 8 | 2:00-3:15 pm, Zoom | Facilitators: Angie Wheelus & Josie Baudier With such a tumultuous last year, many students are trying to work through stressors. In the meantime, you are also dealing with stressful and emotional situations. Join us to learn more about why […]
CETL: Free Virtual Conference on Online & Blended Class Delivery
Registration is now open for REMOTE 2021, a free virtual professional development conference hosted by Arizona State University on June 9-10, 2021 about “immediate ways to improve online and blended class delivery for higher education.” Take advantage of this excellent opportunity for timely professional development!