New Co-Curricular and Transitions Coordinator

Please join us in welcoming Clifton Puckett to his new position as Co-Curricular and Transitions Coordinator. In this new position, Clifton will be responsible for coordinating two rather large programs at GHC: orientation and co-curricular activities. From the orientation perspective, Clifton will partner with other areas at GHC to create, implement, and assess the orientation […]

School Supplies Needed

Cartersville faculty, staff, and students have stepped up their game and collected tons of supplies. You have a week left to get these supplies to your home campus. Drop your donations in one of the blue buckets so we can get them to local school children! Thanks so much to those who have already donated. […]

School Supply Drive Reminder

The flyer did not attach last week, so I’m posting a reminder that we are currently collecting school supplies for local schools and have pasted the text of the flyer here. Donations will be collected through September 17. If you would like printed flyers to post around campus, please let me know. In Celebration of […]

College-Wide School Supply Drive

As faculty, staff, and students return for fall classes with fresh pens in hand, shiny new notebooks, and the coolest backpacks around, let us all take a minute to reflect on the fact that there are many families in our communities who are unable to provide basic school supplies to their children. In light of […]

Boxes Needed

In case you haven’t heard, the Tutorial Center in Cartersville is moving downstairs to the current Testing Center. If everything goes accordingly, we will be in our new space by the start of fall classes. If you have any boxes, please send them our way. In Cartersville, send them to Nea Martin. In Rome, send […]

Fall Tutors Needed

The Tutorial Center has many open tutor positions for fall semester. We are hiring all levels of tutors, from current students to professionals. The jobs are posted on the GHC website, but I have included direct links below. Please share this information with anyone who may be interested, and feel free to give my contact […]

Summer Tutoring

Summer tutoring has started at all of our Tutorial Centers. Summer courses can be difficult because of the amount of material covered in such a short time. Please encourage your students to seek a tutor if they feel overwhelmed or just do not understand a concept covered in your class. While most of our tutors […]

Vacant Tutor Position

Unforeseen circumstances have created vacancies in the Tutorial Centers at Paulding and Douglasville. If you know of anyone interested in tutoring math/science for GHC, please pass along this information. Interested applicants can call or email Jennifer Hicks at (706) 295-6371 or