Hello Everyone, Our next edition of Charger Chats will be today at 3 pm. We’re going to have Jessica Lindberg and Danielle Steele talk about the Highlands Writer’s Conference and then Ian Fleming, Rob Laltrello, and Jason McFry talk about cybersecurity and IT. The Zoom details are below. Come one, come all! Thank you! JF […]
Author Archives: jfleschn@highlands.edu
Librarian Interviews Today
Everyone is invited to attend the last interview presentations for the Librarian – Instruction, Digital Literacy, and Engagement position today. For both interviews, we will be in the Cartersville Library Classroom if you are on that campus. If not, the Zoom details are below along with the dates and times. 10:00 – 10:35: Emily Ransom […]
Librarian Interviews 1/31 & 2/1
Everyone is invited to attend the interview presentations for the Librarian – Instruction, Digital Literacy, and Engagement position this week. For both interviews, we will be in the Cartersville Library Classroom if you are on that campus. If not, the Zoom details are below along with the dates and times. Tuesday, January 31 at 2:30 […]
Librarian Presentation Feedback
If you were unable to attend the presentation for our librarian candidate today, a recording is available below. https://highlands.zoom.us/rec/share/tLhi-8XzGoqO63YPpm29GK78FkusNHVk2_e2xaV8S9GP0l9QwKWKOXwWHU2kG_N6.YwCE3oNmz_fQnlT8 Passcode: a=s1Z*wy If you would like to provide feedback the form is located here: https://forms.office.com/r/bEVenUWZdK. Many thanks! JF
Librarian Interview Today at 3pm
Everyone is invited to attend an interview presentation for the Librarian – Instruction, Digital Literacy, and Engagement position today from 3 pm-3:35 pm. We will be in the Cartersville Library Classroom if you are on that Camus. If not, the Zoom details are below. Zoom: https://highlands.zoom.us/j/93440207312 Meeting ID: 934 4020 7312 Passcode: literacy After the presentation, you can […]
Charger Chat Recording
Want to learn more about the Foundation, what it does, and where it will go? If so, check out the recording for this month’s Charger Chat! The link is below. The conversation started at the 10:28 mark. Next month’s Charger Chat will be on February 21st and cover the Highlands Writer’s Conference with Jessica Lindberg […]
Charger Chat Today @ 3pm
Hello everyone, We have our first Charger Chat of 2023 today at 3pm! We’re going to have Liz Jones and Sarah Bradfield scheduled to talk about the GHC Foundation. Jennifer Hicks and James Story have been rescheduled to join us on March 21st to talk about GHC Admissions. For anyone new, you might be asking, […]
Charger Chats Recording
Thanks to everyone who came to the Charger Chats yesterday. We had over 70 people in attendance! This was a really great one where we learned more about our students, their mental health, and the college’s budget. If you were unable to attend, I have included a link to the recording below. Here is a […]
Charger Chats Recording
Thanks to everyone who came to the Charger Chats yesterday. We had record attendance, with 105 people in attendance! If you were unable to attend, I have included a link to the recording below. Our next Charger Chat will focus on CPOS and the budget. It is scheduled for 10/18 from 3pm to 5pm. It […]
Charger Chat Tomorrow at 3pm!
Hello everyone! Friendly reminder that our first Charger Chat for this academic year will be tomorrow at 3 pm. Our new president, Mike Hobbs will be the very first guest. If you have questions you want to submit questions ahead of time, please let me know. The Zoom info is below. What is a Charger […]