Charger Chat Recording

Want to learn more about the Foundation, what it does, and where it will go? If so, check out the recording for this month’s Charger Chat! The link is below. The conversation started at the 10:28 mark.

Next month’s Charger Chat will be on February 21st and cover the Highlands Writer’s Conference with Jessica Lindberg and Danielle Steel and Online Safety and Cyber Security for Faculty Staff and Students with Ian Fleming, Andrea Mathis, Rob Laltrello, & Jason McFry. I hope to see you there!

What exactly are Charger Chats?
These are intended to be monthly meetings where everyone is invited to learn more about aspects of the college. No one is required to come. It’s informal, free-flowing, and a neat way for us all to come together to learn more about what each other does at the college.
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