During the month of October, GHC employees on the Floyd campus were “Boo’d” with Halloween goodies. The mystery “Boo Department” was…… Human Resources We hope you had a little fun guessing where the mystery bag of goodies came from. This was just a small token of appreciate for ALL each of you do to make […]
Author Archives: ditkow
EAW-Promoting a Culture of Excellence
Ethics Awareness WeekPlan to watch this session virtually. A link will be sent later. Chancellor’s Chat: Promoting a Culture of ExcellenceGuest: Dan T. Cathy, Chairman, Chick-fil-A, Inc.Nov. 7, 202211 a.m. to 12 p.m.7th Floor Board Room (Please note: The presentation will be streamed to selectedrooms at USO locations and can also be joined virtually.) This […]
Open Enrollment continues through November 4th
2023 Benefits Open Enrollment continues through Friday, November 4th. Information can be found on the HR Intranet page at: https://intranet.highlands.edu/human-resources/benefits/ If you are enrolled in a USG healthcare plan, you are required to complete certifications each year during Open Enrollment. You must certify whether you (and your covered family members age 18+) use tobacco and […]
Action required on Tobacco and Working spouse
Reminder: Employees must certify the tobacco user status or pay a $150 surcharge per month. The tobacco and working spouse surcharges will increase from $100 to $150 dollars per month. The tobacco surcharge applies to employees, spouses and dependent children 18 and older, enrolled in a USG Healthcare plan who uses tobacco or who do […]
Voting time reminder
Early voting has started in Georgia and the general election day is coming up. This is a reminder of the policy on time taken for voting. VotingEmployees are encouraged to exercise their constitutional right to vote in all federal, state and local elections. If election polls are not open at least two hours before or […]
Benefits Open Enrollment STARTS today October 24
Annual Benefits Open Enrollment Starts TODAY OneUSG Connect – Benefits website Visit oneusgconnect.usg.edu and click Manage My Benefits OneUSG Connect – Benefits Call Center Call 1-844-587-4236 Monday–Friday 8 a.m.–5 p.m. ET Download the Alight Mobile app at alight.com/app or the App Store for an easy way to enroll on the go! Enter “University System of […]
Open Enrollment Starts October 24th
Annual Benefits Open Enrollment Starts Monday, October 24th and Ends Friday, November 4th. Visit the USG Benefits Website for information about benefits and programs and the20203 Open Enrollment Newsletter2023 Comparison Guidebenefits.usg.edu Enroll at oneusgconnect.usg.edu and click “Manage My Benefits”If you have questions or need to call to enroll, call OneUSG Connect- Benefits at 1-844-587-4236 Action […]
HR Zoom Lunch and Learn today
First one hour zoom chat will be on October 20th12:00-1:00 p.m. to discuss upcoming Open enrollment October 2022 Benefits (Open Enrollment October 24-November 4) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://highlands.zoom.us/j/95405206546 Meeting ID: 954 0520 6546Passcode: HRMonthlyOne tap mobile+16469313860,,95405206546# US
Virtual Benefits Fair
Systemwide Virtual Benefits Fair Live vendor presentations, chat and giveaways: October 24 – November 4, 2022 Chat Daily 10 a.m.–2 p.m. EST Live Events 9 a.m.–12 noon EST Benefits Information Starting October 19, register at usg.vfairs.com to attend sessions. Chat 1:1 with benefits experts daily to get your questions answered Attend live vendor […]
Open Enrollment- Action Required
USG Open Enrollment is Monday, October 24-Friday, November 4th. ALL Employees must take action by November 4th-Employees MUST certify tobacco user status AND Working spouse status If these are not updated during open enrollment, surcharges will apply and be taken out of pay checks. Be sure to check your paychecks in January 2023 to verify […]