Charger Kick-off “Campus Challenge”

Greetings Faculty & Staff, As part of the upcoming “Charger kick-off”, we are encouraging and challenging each campus to support the campus food pantry by donating non-perishable food items and toiletries! This is a friendly competition designed to encourage each campus to donate as much as possible to our students in need. The campus that […]

GHC Day @ The Atlanta Falcons!

Save the date! Student Engagement & Student Government Association are partnering up to bring you GHC Day at the Atlanta Falcons! Oct. 8 v the Houston Texans SE is purchasing 50 tickets for students, but GHC employees can purchase tickets for $30 for themselves and their families and friends! Link will be provided soon, but […]

Tutorial Center Class Visits

Dear GHC Faculty,   The Tutorial Centers would love to visit your classes to help encourage students to take advantage of our free inperson and online services!   Please respond to this message if you are open to us arranging a visit from a tutor for your classes (typically lasts only about 5 minutes).   If you are teaching […]

Semester Planning & Goal Setting for Academic Success Workshop

AcademicSuccessWorkshops2023 Our Academic Success Team is offering a Semester Planning & Goal Setting for Academic Success Workshop. Sign up through the Navigate campaign or! Summer 2023, we have the following dates/times: Summer Workshops June 6th from 2pm – 3pm via Zoom and @Cartersville site June 7th from 6pm – 7pm via Zoom June 9th from […]

Honors Night Invitation

You’re invited to Honors Night! This Thursday 72 students are receiving over 100 different academic, service and leadership awards. It will take place in the Cartersville Student Center Gym. Dinner begins at 6pm with the ceremony beginning at 6:45pm. The Highlanders will perform during dinner. You can RSVP here if you plan to attend in […]

Charger Food Pantry Item Donations

Food insecurities are real concern among many students at GHC, more than we’d like to admit. Many of our own students are homeless, some go two and three days without food due to financial or home-life struggles.  The Hope Center for College, Community and Justice conducted a survey of nearly  86,000 students in which they found […]

Librarian- Instruction, Digital Literacy and Engagement Presentation

Everyone is invited to attend the Deon King’s rescheduled presentation for the Librarian – Instruction, Digital Literacy, and Engagement position today.  It will take place in the Cartersville Library Classroom if you are on campus. If not, the Zoom details are below along with the time.  10:00am – 10:35am:  Presentation (35 min) Passcode: digital

Librarian Interviews 2/7

Everyone is invited to attend the last interview presentations for the Librarian – Instruction, Digital Literacy, and Engagement position today.  For both interviews, we will be in the Cartersville Library Classroom if you are on that campus. If not, the Zoom details are below along with the dates and times.  10:00 – 10:35: Emily Ransom […]