If you are interested in being on a committee to review the Children in the Workplace policy and Children on Campus policy, please contact me no later than March 28th. My email is fmiller@highlands.edu and my extension is #8063. The current policies are below:
Children in the Workplace
Because of the possible disruption of business and for liability reasons, Georgia Highlands College does not permit parents to have children and infants at the workplace during normal working hours.
Children on Campus
Children of currently-enrolled students are allowed on campus only with the direct supervision of that parent. Children will not be allowed to roam the campus or be left unattended by their parent(s) at any time in any location.
Students who are parents of unattended children found on campus will be removed from their class to take possession of the children, and may be asked to remove the children from campus if other arrangements cannot be made.
Children may be present in an academic class or lab only with advance permission of the instructor. The faculty member in question will have the discretion to determine how far in advance the student should request the presence of the child. The attending parent will assume responsibility for the behavior of the child.
Children are to follow the same rules of reasonable behavior that apply to regular Georgia Highlands College students, and faculty members may request that a child be removed from the class at any time if the child’s presence disrupts the learning environment of other students.
Thank you
Faith Miller
Human Resources Director