IT Policy Updates Governing Email Newsletters and Digital Media Sanitization

Three IT policy revisions have been approved by the December 2022 session of President’s Cabinet.

IT Digital Media Sanitization Policy

This policy ensures that electronic data cannot be retrieved by an unauthorized party when digital media has been removed from the institution. Sanitization techniques, including clearing, purging, cryptographic erasure, and destruction prevent the disclosure of information to unauthorized individuals when such media is released for reuse or disposal. 

IT Digital Media Sanitization Standard

This standard describes the safeguards in use by Division of Information Technology employees to ensure that digital media is properly sanitized before equipment is removed from Georgia Highlands College. All non-IT employees must sanitize digital media devices, such as optical disks, magnetic tapes, USB drives, and external hard drives before disposal or reissue. 

IT Email Newsletter Standard

A Georgia Highlands College (GHC) email account is provided to each student and employee as a tool to assist and facilitate official operations of the institution. However, users often receive a high volume of email messages that may not be actionable or necessary. Sifting through email can become a time-consuming and tedious activity that increases cybersecurity risks to the institution by making users more prone to falling victim to phishing scams. This standard establishes the expectations for the use of official GHC newsletter systems to ensure announcements are distributed to large groups of users efficiently and without unnecessarily contributing to fatigue users experience with email.