CETL: Upcoming Events

Engaging Lectures for Effective Learning

Fri, Sept 24  |  10:30-11:45 am, Zoom  |  Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht

Are you preparing to give a lecture, for the first or the fiftieth time? Wondering how you can engage your students during a lecture? This session will get you ready to develop effective, engaging, and interactive lectures, from preparation to delivery.

Lab: Media Accessibility

Asynchronous D2L Work: Tues, October 5 – Fri, October 8  |  Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht

Synchronous Wrap-Up Zoom Meeting: Fri, October 8  |  12:00-12:30 pm

CETL labs facilitate asynchronous hands-on engagement with pedagogical professional development over a four-day period in preparation for a culminating synchronous meeting. Participants in this lab should expect to work independently for 4 hours and will learn how to explain how accessibility regulations apply to their work, add appropriate alt-tags to images, caption and assess the production quality of a video, curate video resources, and embed a video in a D2L page.