3 Upcoming CETL Workshops

Assessing Learning with Creative Assignments

Fri, Feb 12   |   10:00-11:15 am, Zoom   |   Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht

Tired of the traditional essay and exam? Why not change things up a bit? We will introduce and explain a variety of creative assignments which can be adapted to various course contexts to facilitate memorable learning experiences and meaningful assessment. Workshop participants will identify strategies & resources for developing creative assignments and design a creative assignment to implement in their classes.

Mindset, Motivation, & Metacognition

Tues, Feb 16   |   2:00-3:15 pm, Floyd/Douglasville/Zoom   |   Facilitators: Josie Baudier & Rachel Rupprecht

The 3 M’s – mindset, motivation, and metacognition – all affect student learning and success in the classroom. In this workshop, we will examine Dweck’s (2007) research on growth mindset as well as Canning et al (2019) work on instructor mindsets. Motivation and metacognition are partnered with student mindset in several ways. In this workshop, we will explore ways to infuse metacognitive strategies in coursework.

Active Learning in Synchronous Classes

Thurs, Feb 18   |   9:30-10:45 am, Paulding/Zoom   |   Facilitator: Rachel Rupprecht

Teaching in the time of COVID brings a slew of challenges, not least of which is the unfeasibility of many of our tried-and-true methods for engaging students in active learning. Join us for an interactive exploration of a variety of alternative active learning strategies for synchronous online and physically-distanced face-to-face classes. This workshop will include time to plan how to implement alternative active-learning strategies in your classes.