Compassion in Difficult Times

The USO Employee Giving Campaign hosted through the State of Georgia Charitable Campaign Program (GASCCP) is available today! This year’s theme is Compassion in Difficult Times!

The Georgia Highlands College campaign will run through November 13th.

Our goal is to raise funds to support State of Georgia charitable organizations that serve the well-being of their communities through education, health, the environment and more.

Also, the Annual Employee Giving Campaign offers state employees an opportunity to designate financial contributions to charitable organizations through payroll deductions or a one-time donation.

Giving During Hard Times?

Although many of us would like to help others, giving a substantial amount all at once is not always possible, especially during more challenging financial times.

$1 per paycheck can make a difference to someone in need.

Through the GASCCP, you can make smaller donations throughout the year by payroll deduction. By spreading a small amount of your total donation out of each paycheck, you can make a large gift without ruining your budget. A little at a time adds up to so much!!

Contributions can be made directly in OneUSG Employee Self Service Portal using the State Charitable Campaign tile.