CETL Support for the First Week of Classes

Greetings and welcome to a new semester at GHC!

There are new resources on the CETL remote instruction webpage including information on active learning while physically distancing and strategies for teaching F2F with a mask.

Are you looking for assistance with Zoom? Check out Susanna Smith’s Webinar about Zoom and CETL’s additional Zoom resources.

For the next two weeks, CETL is offering virtual Drop-In sessions. (See the link for a schedule.) Come with your teaching and technology questions. This is not a formal presentation, but rather an opportunity to pop-in and ask questions.

Josie’s Drop-In Sessions
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 921 6736 9689
Passcode: CETL
Rachel’s Drop-In Sessions
Zoom information:
Meeting ID: 944 0052 8663
Passcode: CETL

First week of classes
Consider asking your students to use D2L to complete a few tasks that represent what they will do this semester, such as submit an assignment or post to the discussion board. Also, if you will use Respondus, create a non-graded practice test for students to test their technology. Finally, examine this additional resource for the first day of class.

Have a great first week!

Josie and Rachel