Why Phishing and Data Breaches Happen – The Market for Stolen Account Credentials

Why do we receive so many phishing email messages? Why do we get notified when a website breach happens? What does it matter that someone could get your email account password? Security researcher Brian Krebs takes a look at a typical black market, “dark web” site where stolen information is big business. Criminals know that many people reuse passwords and even if you don’t think your Yahoo email or LinkedIn accounts are important, someone out there may be willing to buy your stolen credentials for a few dollars to see if they can use them to also gain access to your bank accounts, credit card websites, or sites like eBay or Amazon.

Don’t let a criminal buy themselves a new TV or empty your bank account because of an account breach! Never share your passwords, utilize a password manager to avoid reusing passwords, and enable two-factor authentication whenever possible.

Source: https://krebsonsecurity.com/2017/12/the-market-for-stolen-account-credentials/