Festivities for Holiday 2017 continue with voting for the 2nd annual sweater contest and sharing vintage photo trivia.
The voting option is now available for the 2nd annual sweater contest.
The link below routes to five categories from which one vote can be recorded in each. The participant(s) receiving the most votes within each category will receive a $25.00 gift card from the GHC Follett Bookstore, and the participant(s) receiving the most votes across ALL categories will receive a like $50.00 gift card.
Categories include:
- Best-Matched Couple / Team / Group
- Cutest
- Most Likely To Go Viral
- Most Original
- Most GHC Spirit
Note: The voting page was constructed to manage static images only. Click the following link to view the animated entry submitted by EAS for best-matched group:
- 12/12: electronic voting period ends for sweater photo contests
- 12/13: winners of sweater contests announced
Friday’s Vintage Photo #5 was submitted by SHERRI BEIDECK, Assistant Registrar at Floyd Campus.
The winner of vintage #5 trivia is ALICYN BOUCHER-BAEZ, Document Clerk in the registrars office at Floyd. Alicyn will have her choice of the following GHC items: a genuine ceramic cobalt coffee mug or a beautiful crystal-clear glass ornament.
Huge thanks to Sherri and Alicyn for participating!
Vintage Photo #6 (attached)
- CLUE: This guy has left the building.
TO PLAY: Email your response to holiday2017@highlands.edu with the subject line “vintage photo #6”. The identity of vintage photo #6 and the trivia winner will be announced in tomorrow’s GHC Inform.
Winners of these yesteryear guessing games will receive GHC specialty goodies compliments of Marcom (GHC Marketing & Communication).
If you have a vintage holiday photo to share, please email it with your name, campus, and a brief description to holiday2017@highlands.edu
For easy reference to all announcements related to Holiday 2017, simply login to Faculty/Staff, click GHC Inform, and search Holiday 2017. Direct inquires can be emailed to holiday2017@highlands.edu