Going back to school this Fall? Tuition Assistance Program is available for full-time employees. The program covers University of Georgia system institutions; the BOR policy is available at:
New to TAP? Find answers to questions, like the ones below, on the Board of Regents benefits page. You may also contact Emily Farmer, Human Resources Coordinator, with your questions: efarmer@highlands.edu.
Do I need to fill out a TAP application for every semester?:
Yes. Please be informed, however, that one application will suffice for both the Maymester and the Summer sessions.
Why is there a separate registration period for USG employees?:
Eligible USG employees may participate in TAP on a space-available basis, only. Therefore, the employee registration period follows the regular registration period.
If I am changing my employment from one University System of Georgia (USG) institution to a different USG institution, will I be required to complete a new six month provisional period of employment?:
No, unless there is a break in service of greater than 30 calendar days.
Are continuing education courses covered by TAP?: