Please submit your TAP applications for Summer 2016 courses to Emily Farmer in HR by April 15th.
Here’s a refresher on TAP applications:
TAP Application Process
All interested employees should follow the
following process when applying for TAP benefits:
1. Apply at one of the 31 teaching institutions
governed under the Board of Regents within
the University System of Georgia.
2. Once the applications process is complete with
the teaching institution of choice, complete the
TAP application. The TAP application can be
accessed from
3. Complete the TAP application. Please include
your GHC ADP employee ID number and
student ID number for the teaching institution
you will be attending on your application.
Please make sure to complete the entire
application to include listing the courses you
would like to register for, as well as signing the
4. Submit your TAP application to your
supervisor for approval and their signature.
5. Make a copy of your signed and completed
application and forward it to Human Resources.
Questions about TAP may be directed to:
Emily Farmer – TAP Coordinator
Phone: (706) 802 – 5479
Fax: (706) 368-7723
Thank you!