Good Afternoon GHC! Next Monday, 01/18/2016 is the observed MLK Holiday. Please note that we are allowed 8 hours holiday pay for 01/18/2015. You have several options to make up the 9 required hours for that day. 1. You will need to either work an extra hour during the week of 01/18-01/22 to make the […]
Monthly Archives: January 2016
USG eclips January 11, 2016
University System News: Governor Appoints 13 to State Boards Staff Report From Georgia CEO James M. Hull, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (reappointment) …Larry Walker, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia (reappointment) USG Institutions: ABAC enrollment increases for Spring Term 2016 Special to The […]
Cartersville Student Center Fac/Staff Guests
It’s the beginning of the year, and everyone has their new year’s resolutions; hence, I thought it would be a good time to remind everyone of our new Faculty/Staff Guest Usage Policy. GHC faculty/staff can now have one guest use the facility, free of charge, as long as the guest is accompanied by the faculty/staff […]
HSA and FSA participants
Effective December 31, 2015, OptumHealth Financial Services will become the administrator of our US Bank healthcare accounts, including our Healthcare, Dependent Care and Limited Purpose FSAs and our HSAs. You may already have received communication in the mail, but in the coming weeks, you will transition from the current U.S. Bank mobile app to MyCDH by Optum. You can […]
USG eclips January 8, 2016
University System News: Regents approve mega-merger of Georgia State, Georgia Perimeter By TOM CRAWFORD The Board of Regents gave final approval Wednesday to the consolidation of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College, creating one of the largest universities in the country with a total enrollment of about 55,000 students. The merged institution […]
GHC Tutorial Centers
Welcome back to Spring 2016. GHC Tutorial Centers are open for business. Please let your students know about our services and hours. If you would like to have a class visit from a tutor, please contact either Jennifer Hicks or Nea Martin. Jennifer Hicks Nea Martin 706-295-6371 678-872-8460 The Tutorial Center’s schedule page […]
Small Change, Big Benefit
GOOD for you who resolved to eat “good for you” foods this year. Find a variety of healthy food choices from the 5 MyPlate food groups; Find tips on making small changes that add up to big benefits – to your health and budget; Find recipes that help you save time, save calories, but add […]
USG eclips January 6, 2016
University System News: Georgia State, Georgia Perimeter merger receives final approval Janel Davis, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution The state Board of Regents granted final approval Wednesday to a merger of Georgia State University and Georgia Perimeter College. The newly consolidated Georgia State unseats the University of Georgia as the state’s largest public college. The […]
Jan. 16th Men’s and Women’s basketball games moved to Jan. 18th
The men’s and women’s basketball games scheduled for Saturday January 16th have been moved to Monday January 18th. The women will play at 5:30pm and the men will play at 7:30pm. Come out and support your Chargers!
The BreakBeat Poets: Poetry Workshop and Spoken Word Performance
The BreakBeat Poets are coming!! Hip-Hop is the largest youth culture in the history of the planet rock. It has produced generations of artists who have revolutionized their genre(s) by applying the aesthetic innovations of the culture. The BreakBeat Poets features 78 poets, born somewhere between 1961-1999, All-City and Coast-to-Coast, who are creating the next […]