The Diversity Committee Presents: Something From Nothing: The Art Of Rap

The Diversity Committee Presents:

Something From Nothing: The Art Of Rap

When: October 21st, 12:00-3:00pm

Where: Ballroom B (SPSU/KSU Campus)

This film will also provide excellent background information for Dr. Love’s talk on the 23rd.

Discussion will be held after the film.

Free food and Extra Credit!!!

Visually luscious and drenched with the big beats of classic cuts and freestyle rhyming by some of the masters of the music, SOMETHING FROM NOTHING: THE ART OF RAP is a performance documentary about the runaway juggernaut that is Hip-Hop. At the wheel of this unstoppable beast is Ice-T, who takes us on a personal journey into the asphalt roots of the music that saved his life. This film is not about stardom, bling, or beef; it’s about craft and skill-what goes on inside the minds and erupts from the lips of rap legends. Ice-T travels from coast to coast, engaging intimately with the likes of Afrika Bambaataa, Eminem, Nas, Mos Def, Kanye West, Chuck D, KRS-One, Snoop Dogg, Run-DMC, and Ice Cube. The film features original rapping and some classic never heard before a cappellas from the mouths of the creators. What emerges is a mighty soul tribute to the original American art form that brought poetry to a new generation. (
