Please “Save the Date” for a Multidisciplinary Symposium on Terrorism in the Cartersville Student Center Ballroom Friday, October 10th from 9/9:30 to 12:30/1:00. Speakers will be coming from different perspectives such as online and presidential communication, current events and effects on everyday life for Palestinians in Lebanon, and Bio-terrorism/Science. The main goal of this symposium is to offer cross-disciplinary education for the faculty/staff (and can invite interested students) and a secondary goal is to also offer an example of how honor students could possibly use one topic for multiple honors option projects/different courses (especially helpful information for the campus locations that only offer Honors options). More specific information to follow soon.
Thanks so much,
Karen Huggin, Ph.D.
Georgia Highlands College
Assistant Professor of History
Lead Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Faculty Advisor