Thank you to everything that displayed our GHC “enroll now” yard signs to help push summer enrollment. The deadline to enroll for summer was last Friday so you can go ahead and take down your signs now. Please keep them for display during our push for fall enrollment. Notice will go out via GHC inform […]
HR Spotlight – Timekeeping/Overtime
Georgia Highlands College observes a standard workweek of forty (40) hours and abides by the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). As noted on page 29 of the Employee Handbook, Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act require that employee’s in nonexempt status record and report the hours worked per pay period. The […]
Casting Call – open to employees and students
GHC Trivia – Question #3
As we continue to focus on Personal History Month, watch the video on the bottom right of this page: and answer the following question. Every year about 45,000 Americans are rushed to emergency rooms and up to 98,000 die of preventable deaths. The video address the importance of maintaining a PHR. What is a […]
Digitizing and Preserving Personal and Family History
To learn more, click on: Check out all the other personal history related topics while you are there! Complete the *SURVEY* on the left for GHC Wellness Points! Be sure to complete your Health Risk Assessment through BCBS or Kaiser to earn GHC Wellness Points and be entered into a drawing.
Casting Call
Cast Call – Intern Video Project
We are very fortunate that Jessica Austin, a 2013 GHC grad, beginning her final year at UGA, is interning with Humanities and HR this summer. Jessi is majoring in Mass Media Arts through UGA’ s Grady School of Journalism. Travice Obas, Associate Professor of Communication, and Terri Cavender, Human Resource Manager, will be her managers […]
Don’t you hate to miss out on helpful information?
If you are not reading GHC Inform daily, you are missing out on important information. Information about benefits, athletics, professional development and much more are all shared via GHC Inform. To encourage all of our employees to stay connected to GHC Inform, Human Resources has created a little competition. Human Resources will randomly post a […]
HSA Additional $1,000 Annual Catch-Up for Employees over Age 55
Additional programming is in place to allow those employees turning 55 within this calendar year to add the $1000 to their HSA accounts. If you are eligible to make a change to your HSA account, you can do so by clicking on Health Savings Account Contribution Change in the benefits section of ADP. For additional information or […]
GHC Trivia Question #2 – Winner
Congratulations to Susanna Smith! The question was: What is GHC’s vision statement? The answer is: To be the premier public, multi-campus institution of choice throughout our region, while serving as the state leader in transfer and retention within our sector.