Audio Visual Technician I Customer Service Representative Laboratory Coordinator Northwest Georgia Program Coordinator Senior Network Engineer As a reminder, to access OneUSG Connect – Careers go to OneUSG Connect Employee Self Service. Accessing, searching and applying is easy!If you have questions about OneUSG Connect – Careers, please contact Human Resources at, OneUSG Connect Support […]
Open Faculty Positions
Instructor/Assistant Professor of Biology Instructor/Assistant Professor of Chemistry Instructor/Assistant Professor of Computer Science Instructor of Dental Hygiene Instructor of English Instructor/Assistant Professor of Mathematics Instructor/Assistant Professor of Nursing “As Needed” Part-Time Instructor positions As a reminder, to access OneUSG Connect – Careers go to OneUSG Connect Employee Self Service. Accessing, searching and applying is easy! […]
FY 2020 Salary Limitations, FY 2021 Contribution Rates
In its annual meeting held today, May 15, 2019, the Board of Trustees adopted the following maximum salary increases for FY 2020 that can be used by the Teachers Retirement System ofGeorgia (TRS) to compute a member’s highest two-year average salary: Employees of the Board of Regents 4.50% (2.0% + 2.50%) All Others 4.26% (1 […]
Biweekly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked for the May 05-May 18, 2019 pay period by 10:00am, Friday, May 17th. Additionally, all absence requests must be entered and approved by 10:00am, Friday, May 17th. Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not […]
Last chance to win a GHC camping chair!
This week is your last chance to enter to win a GHC camping chair! All participants in the Faculty/Staff Campaign this year will receive a GHC insulated lunch bag as a thank you for “carrying on the tradition” as well as being entered for drawings for one of our GHC camping chairs. The drawing is […]
Benefits 101 Videos
GHC welcomes German student through elite exchange program
GHC is working to host two new German students in Rome and Cartersville through the program in the 2019-2020 academic year. If you would like to apply to serve as a host family, contact Bronson Long at Full story Like and share on Facebook and Twitter.
Remembering Nursing Program Founder Belen Dizon Nora
Belen Dizon Nora (October 21, 1934 – May 8, 2019) was charged in 1971 to found a nursing program at Floyd Junior College. After 28 years of service, she retired in 1999 leaving a permanent imprint on the institution and community not only by her work in founding the program, but also her dedication and […]
David Mathis selected as new Director of Athletics at GHC
Georgia Highlands College has appointed David Mathis as the new Director of Athletics. Brandan Harrell to serve as the new assistant director of athletics and Jonathan Merritt will be the new head coach for the men’s basketball team. Full story Like and share on Facebook and Twitter.
Travel & Entertainment Discounts Benefit – Enrollment Information
As we continue to look for new and innovative ways to show our appreciation for our associates, we’ve partnered with Tickets At Work to provide you a new discounts benefit. It’s cost-free and simple to enroll, and will provide you access to savings on movies, hotels, shows, concerts, theme parks, sporting events and more. How […]