USG has partnered with ESPῩR to provide employees, eligible family members and all household members with a comprehensive Employee Assistance Program (EAP) that is free and confidential. USG EE flyer.2019
Getting Assistance from OneUSG Connect
There are several ways you can get assistance from OneUSG Connect! Support Email Address: 1012-How-To-Get-OneUSG-Connect-Support.6.2018pdf If you have questions, please contact OneUSG Connect Support toll free at 877-251-2644 or at their current email address
Monthly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Monthly Employees Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests entered and approved by 5:00pm, Tuesday, June 18th. Monthly timesheets do not need to be approved by the employee or the manager. However, all absences must be requested and approved for them to be paid. A link,, […]
Easier way to access your USG Retirement Plans
Soon it will be even easier to manage your retirement plan accounts with Retirement@Work, a new online portal set to launch July 5. This site provides you with greater access to your retirement plans and streamlines how you can manage your accounts. With Retirement@Work, you can: Enroll in the voluntary (403(b), 457(b)) plans. Select vendors […]
Monthly Payroll Monthly Payroll for the month of June will be ran early due to the OneUSG blackout dates required for go live for Cohort 5. All absences through June 30, 2019 must be submitted and approved by June 19, 2019. There will be no exceptions. Biweekly Payroll All time worked and absence requests for […]
Open Staff Positions
Building Maintenance Technician Northwest Georgia Program Coordinator Student Life Coordinator As a reminder, to access OneUSG Connect – Careers go to OneUSG Connect Employee Self Service. Accessing, searching and applying is easy! Log into OneUSG Connect From Employee Self Service, click the “Recruiting Home” tile Select “Apply for Jobs” to view internal job postings Click […]
Open Faculty Positions
Instructor/Assistant Professor of Biology Instructor/Assistant Professor of Computer Science Instructor of Dental Hygiene Instructor of Journalism/English or Journalism/Communications Instructor/Assistant Professor of Mathematics Instructor/Assistant Professor of Nursing “As Needed” Part-Time Instructor positions As a reminder, to access OneUSG Connect – Careers go to OneUSG Connect Employee Self Service. Accessing, searching and applying is easy! Log into […]
Monthly Payroll Monthly Payroll for the month of June will be ran early due to the OneUSG blackout dates required for go live for Cohort 5. All absences through June 30, 2019 must be submitted and approved by June 19, 2019. There will be no exceptions. Biweekly Payroll All time worked and absence requests for […]
USG eclips for June 10, 2019
University System News: Georgia Trend CSU awarded $1 million gift By Mary Ann Demuth Columbus State University (CSU) recently received a $1 million gift from The Coca-Cola Foundation to establish the William B. Turner Center for Servant Leadership. The donation, which honors the late Columbus businessman and civic leader who served on The Coca-Cola […]
USG eclips for June 11, 2019
The Augusta Chronicle 14-year-old Augusta girl set to graduate high school By Sarah LeBlanc At the age many students are finishing their first year of high school, 14-year-old Charleston Lee will begin her first full year of college. The C.H. Terrell Academy senior will graduate as valedictorian Friday, and begin studying full time at Paine […]