Getting Assistance from OneUSG Connect

There are several ways you can get assistance from OneUSG Connect! Support Email Address: 1012-How-To-Get-OneUSG-Connect-Support.6.2018pdf If you have questions, please contact OneUSG Connect Support toll free at 877-251-2644 or at their current email address    

Pick the Name of the Hiking Trail and Win A Swag Bag!

Help us name the Cartersville Hiking Trail for the chance to WIN a swag bag with bookstore & wellness items. If you have an idea for a name, please submit it to Clifton Puckett ( by September 30th. The Wellness Committee will select the winning entry. Good Luck! If you are at another location, the […]

USG eclips for September 25, 2019

University System News:   The Red & Black Deal to no Deal: Former Gov. Nathan Deal’s professorship transferred to UNG Megan Mittelhammer In January 2019, former Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal was recognized as a Regents Professor by the University System of Georgia Board of Regents. Deal was anticipated to teach undergraduate classes in political science […]

USG eclips for September 24, 2019

University System News:   Inside Higher Ed Measuring the Effects of Loan Forgiveness Borrowers whose private student loans were discharged in court earned more, paid off other debt and were more likely to move for work, new research shows. By Andrew Kreighbaum The impact of student loan forgiveness goes far beyond a reduced debt balance […]