New for 2020, the USG will offer voluntary pet insurance through Nationwide Insurance, My Pet Protection plan. This plan provides up to $7,500 annually in insurance coverage to help defray the cost of veterinary and hospital care. Enroll during open enrollment or anytime in 2020 online through Avion and exotic pet coverage offered by […]
Identity Protection – Now Available
New this year, Identity Protection with PrvacyArmor! The USG now offers identity protection during open enrollment with Privacy Armor so you can focus on what matters most. Benefit Information
Prescription Drug Coinsurance Changes Effective January 1, 2020
Effective January 1, 2020, enrollees in the Comprehensive Care and BlueChoice HMO plans* will pay coinsurance for preferred brand-name drugs. Previously, these were paid with a $40 copay. The nonpreferred brand prescription drug coinsurance is increasing from 20% to 35%. Remember, It is an active enrollment and will require certifications. Open Enrollment ends Friday, November 8, 2019.
Academic Affairs Restructure
Over the coming months, Academic Affairs will begin preparing for a significant structural reorganization that will be effective July 1, 2020. We will grow from Divisions into Schools. Throughout GHC’s history, our Divisions have evolved based on the needs of the College and resources available at the time of those needs. For example, Business was […]
Today at Floyd: Last chance to attend a Faculty/Staff Kick-Off Event!
LAST CHANCE: Join the GHC Foundation for light snacks at a drop-in event from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM in the Executive Dining Room at GHC’s Floyd campus and find out how you can support GHC students through the Faculty/Staff Campaign. Learn how you can take charge and change lives for GHC students through the […]
Today – International Stress Awareness Day Webinar
Join a FREE webinar this afternoon from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm to learn, explore, and practice strategies to mitigate and prevent stress, increase resilience, and improve mental wellbeing. Register by visiting:
Highlands Unlikely Hikers – Last Hike Of Fall Semester – Next Friday
Join us for the Last Hike of Fall Semester Friday November 15th at 1:30pm – Marshall Forest Nature Preserve in Rome GA. Meet at the Marshall Forest parking lot. Marshall Forest has a braille interpretive trail, .3 miles rated easy and the Dorsey loop, 1.4 miles rated easy/moderate with some elevation gain. We will be doing […]
Biometric Health Screenings – Starting Next Week
Biometric Health Screenings are coming your way. Schedule now for your FREE appointment! USG onsite appointments are now available at select locations. Check out the schedule below and grab your appointment today. A confidential onsite health screening is a convenient way to check in on a few key health measures. You’ll get results for your […]
Shared Sick Leave Program
This policy provides a method for the employees of Georgia Highlands College to voluntarily participate in a Shared Sick Leave Program which affords them the opportunity to donate sick or annual leave to a shared sick leave pool for possible use by themselves, or another GHC employee who is experiencing a life-threatening or emergency medical […]
Aflac Critical Illness
Aflac Critical Illness will be available during open enrollment. Aflac Critical Illness plans are designed to provide you with cash benefit for a covered critical illness. It also includes a health screening benefit.