Missed yesterday’s Ethics Discussion Panel?

Missed yesterday’s Ethics Discussion Panel?  No worries, we recorded it just for you! https://georgiahighlands2-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/sstewart_highlands_edu/ESevGj7NichAuIxTL7h6QJMBU-M5NO80XMNCbOAImmh8gA?e=BsF1OL Event Details: Hosts: Assistant Professor of Political Science, Giselle Tucker Senior Human Resource Manager, Stephanie Stewart. Panelists (Paulding County Community Leaders): Terrence Coursey – Corporate Relations Manager at United Way of Greater Atlanta Sgt. Ashley Henson – Public Information Officer at […]

GHC’s Holiday Pay Policy

Georgia Highlands observes 12 paid holidays each year for eligible employees. The president’s cabinet determines which holidays will be recognized and the schedule for each year is published on the Human Resources website. For more information see GHC’s Holiday Pay policy: https://sites.highlands.edu/ghcinform/wp-content/uploads/sites/137/2019/06/357-017ac7cbeeef209-HR301-HolidayPay.pdf  Link to holiday schedule:  https://sites.highlands.edu/human-resources/ghc-holidays/      

PeopleSoft Upgrades

PeopleSoft Financials Update 5.50 will be applied from Thursday, November 21, 2019, at 5:00 p.m. to Monday, November 25, 2019 at 7:00 a.m. Please be sure to log out of PeopleSoft by 5:00 p.m. on November 21. The following applications will not be available during this scheduled maintenance window: GeorgiaFIRST PeopleSoft Financials production (FPROD) PSQUEST […]

Notifying TRS of Life Changes

Events, or life changes, occurring during the course of your TRS membership may necessitate you contacting our office to report beneficiary changes or name changes. Events such as: Marriage, Birth of Children, Divorce, or Death of Spouse. The Change of Beneficiary form should be completed to report beneficiary or name changes to TRS. It is […]

RSVP to the President’s Holiday Gathering on December 14th

This year’s Holiday Gathering is quickly approaching!

President Don Green and First Lady Cathy Green invite you to the Cartersville Student Center on December 14th from 9:00am to 11:00am.

This year’s event will include breakfast, a holiday sweater contest, a gingerbread house contest, bingo, trivia, and more!

RSVP by November 25th
Please bring a guest and children are welcome!

For more information or to RSVP, please contact holiday2019@highlands.edu