The Floyd Campus Intramural Turkey Day Walk / Run is today! Join us for this annual tradition. The male and female that is closest to their estimated time that it takes to walk or run around the 1.85 mile lake trail will win a GHC Chargers sweat shirt and a hat. All cellphone , watches […]

Legacy Planning Resources

The USG’s  group insurance programs help protect your financial wellness. You also have even more resources at your disposal. There is no additional fee or enrollment for these resources. Just access them, as you need them. Your spouse and insurance-eligible children can also use these resources, even if they are not insured with us. For […]

Monthly Payroll Reminder

Good Morning, Time Sheet Approval for All Monthly Employees   Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests entered and approved by 4:00pm, Thursday, November 21st. If you did not work an extra hour during the week of Thanksgiving, please remember to add 1hr of Vacation leave. MANAGERS please remember to approve the Thanksgiving Holiday […]

TRS Beneficiary Designations

For those of you enrolled in TRS, have you designated a TRS beneficiary?  Have you checked yours lately to see if it’s up-to-date?  Be sure you’re leaving any remaining benefits to the right people. As required by Georgia law, TRS must pay remaining benefits at the time you pass away based on the latest designation […]

$1 can make a difference!

STATE CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTION CAMPAIGN Where Giving is Easy and Impactful! The State Charitable Contribution Campaign will be running from October 1st through November 30, 2019. The Campaign is the only state-sanctioned charitable campaign for both State Agencies and the University System of Georgia. Through the Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP), year after year employees have given to various […]