· Marriage, · Birth of Children, · Divorce, or · Death of Spouse. The Change of Beneficiary form should be completed to report beneficiary or name changes to TRS. It is important to keep beneficiary information on file with TRS up-to-date. In the event of your death, a monthly benefit, or a lump-sum payment, is due to your beneficiary(ies) […]
New Phishing Scam – Fake Web Meeting Invitations
Hackers are launching new phishing campaigns disguised as Zoom or Microsoft Teams meeting invitations according to a recently released report issued by the cybersecurity firm Check Point Research. Hackers are also continuing to use COVID-19 to lure inattentive users into clicking on phishing messages for the purposes of deploying ransomware or stealing credentials. Some key […]
GHC student and member of National Guard aids in COVID-19 fight while continuing classes
Georgia Highlands College student Miguel Pizano, of Rome, enrolled in the college’s Criminal Justice program because he wants to make his community a better place to live. As a service member in the National Guard, he was recently given an opportunity to do just that. On April 9, Pizano was sent to Albany to help […]
Virtual Orientations this Summer
Orientations for new students will be different this summer for our new Summer and Fall admits. A sub team of the Orientation Committee worked over the last several weeks to recreate our Charger Orientation into a virtual format. We will be evaluating and improving our orientation plans as needed but for the most part, this […]
USG e-clips for May 7, 2020
University System News: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Georgia Board of Regents approves employee furlough plan for state colleges By Eric Stirgus The Georgia Board of Regents approved a plan Thursday that gives University System of Georgia leaders authority to potentially furlough employees, with those earning higher salaries taking larger cuts. Most University System of Georgia employees […]
USG e-clips for May 8, 2020
University System News: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Georgia colleges plan furloughs as lawmakers get bad news on economy By James Salzer and Eric Stirgus Having just listened to details of the $1 billion fall in state revenue collections last month, House Appropriations Chairman Terry England closed the first legislative meeting since mid-March by stating the obvious. […]
USG e-clips for May 11, 2020
University System News: CBS46 Georgia colleges and universities forced to make budget cuts Adam Murphy All is quiet on the Georgia Tech campus in downtown Atlanta on Thursday, but mandatory budget cuts are sure to create some noise. “I know some classes have already been cut for the summer,” Georgia Tech student Tal said. Tal […]
USG e-clips for May 12, 2020
University System News: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Georgia Board of Regents votes not to raise pay for college leaders By Eric Stirgus The Georgia Board of Regents voted Tuesday not to raise the salaries of the University System of Georgia’s 26 presidents and its chancellor as the system works on a plan to cut its budget […]
USG e-clips for May 13, 2020
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution AJC On Campus: The latest on Georgia college reopening plans By Eric Stirgus Will they reopen their campuses this fall semester? The leaders of Georgia’s colleges and universities are having internal discussions with campus administrators to determine what they should do as the coronavirus pandemic continues and if there is an uptick […]
Charge Up Your Wellness
How are you charging up your wellness while working remotely? Send in your pictures or videos to GHCWellness@highlands.edu and help inspire others! Thanks Stephanie for this great video!