Face Coverings Required on Campus

In the best interest of the health and safety of our community and based on instructions from the USG, effective July 15th all GHC employees and students must wear face coverings when inside GHC buildings (see usg.edu/coronavirus for more details).

New Instructor of Nursing

Please join us in welcoming Bethany Blevins to her new position as Instructor of Nursing at the Heritage Hall site! Bethany was born and raised in Rome, GA where she currently resides. She attended Shorter University where she received her Bachelor’s in Biology. She also holds a Bachelor’s in Nursing from Kennesaw State University and […]

Return to Campus Guide

Did you know that the Return to Campus Guide is packed with useful information? Below is an excerpt on how to use and care for face masks/coverings: How to use a face mask or face covering: • Wash your hands before putting on your face covering • Put it over your nose and mouth and […]

CETL Workshop Faculty Input Form

Greetings from CETL! As we prepare for the Fall 2020 semester, CETL would like your input on how we can best serve you. All CETL events will be held in a virtual or hybrid format this fall and are open to all full-time and part-time faculty. Please complete the CETL Workshop Faculty Input Form (survey) when you […]

Need a Form?

Kepro has an extensive library of useful forms,  from budget worksheets to pet care agreements! Don’t stress over reinventing the wheel, check out Kepro’s forms library. KEPRO is the USG’s Employee Assistance Program and it is FREE!  The EAP with KEPRO is available to employees that work for USG. Family members that live in the […]

USG e-clips for August 7, 2020

University System News: Tifton CEO ABAC Expects Nearly 4,000 Students on First Day of Classes Staff Report Here they come. Some with masks. Some attending classes for the first time since early spring. Others getting a taste of college life as true freshmen. The students are back at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College for the opening […]

Get Ready! The USG Well-being Fall Challenge Starts 8/17

The USG Well-being Fall Challenge Begins August 17! During this fall’s challenge, participants will (virtually) visit all 26 institutions of the University System of Georgia (USG), unlocking fun facts and visual highlights as steps are converted into mileage. Participants have from August 17 to September 27 to unlock the various campuses, touching those tucked within […]