Pet Insurance Available to USG Employees

The USG offers voluntary pet insurance through Nationwide Insurance, My Pet Protection plan. This plan provides up to $7,500 annually in insurance coverage to help defray the cost of veterinary and hospital care. You can enroll anytime online through Avion and exotic pet coverage offered by calling the enrollment number at 1-877-738-7874. Your monthly […]

USG e-clips for August 13, 2020

University System News: The Atlanta Journal-Constitution AJC On Campus: Students return; USG sets degrees record By Eric Stirgus The fall semester began on some college campuses in Georgia this week as the nation struggles to determine safe practices to educate students amid the coronavirus pandemic. Some folks aren’t happy with the return plans and are […]

USG e-clips for August 14, 2020

University System News: WFXL ABAC sees record fall student enrollment despite pandemic by Simone Jameson In spite of the pandemic, Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton has had record student enrollment for the fall. With over 4,000 students on campus for the first day of classes. There are about 100 students more than last year, […]

USG e-clips for August 17, 2020

University System News: Athens CEO UGA Ranked Among Top Universities Fighting COVID-19 By Greg Trevor The University of Georgia has been ranked among a list of top 10 schools working to solve the coronavirus pandemic by Successful Student. UGA was recognized specifically for research on the development of new vaccines designed to protect against SARS-CoV-2, […]

Open Enrollment 2020 Dates

Save the Date: Open enrollment for active employees will be October 21 – November 6, 2020.  Enrollment in benefits for the 2021 plan year will take place in the OneUSG Connect – Benefits system. Active employees will begin receiving Open Enrollment information in mid-October. New this year: a System-wide virtual benefits fair will be held […]

Monthly Payroll Reminder

Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Monthly Employees   Monthly Employees & Managers: Please have all absence requests for August entered and approved by 4:00pm, Tuesday, August 18th. Monthly timesheets do not need to be approved by the employee or the manager. However, all absences must be requested and approved for them to be paid. A […]

Contact Tracing Update

Effective August 15th, Rachael Bratz will be the point of contact (POC) for all COVID-19 tracing. Employees and students should report COVID-19 positive situations (themselves, or someone they were in close contact with – defined as less than six feet for 15 minutes or longer) by contacting Rachel via: and/or 706-368-7724  

The USG Well-being Challenge Starts Today!

The USG Well-being Fall Challenge Begins today! Sign up today and join a team as we (virtually) visit all 26 institutions of the University System of Georgia (USG), unlocking fun facts and visual highlights as steps are converted into mileage. Participants have from August 17 to September 27 to unlock the various campuses, touching those […]