USG e-clips for September 8, 2020

University System News: Statesboro Herald COVID cases drop by 29% at GS Report sees weekly case count fall 145 to 363 From staff reports After reporting 508 COVID-19 cases among students and staff for the week of Aug. 24–30, Georgia Southern University saw the total number of cases reported last week fall about 29% to […]

USG e-clips for September 9, 2020

University System News:  WSB-TV  Saying thanks: Georgia Tech students surprise beloved custodian for keeping campus clean A group of Georgia Tech students wanted to come up with a special way to thank the workers who help keep their campus and dorms clean during the COVID-19 pandemic, knowing that it’s a very challenging job during this […]

TODAY! You Can’t Ask That: Suicide Attempt Survivors

Coming up: GHC’s Towards Zero Suicide Coalition will host a 45 minute screening event of “You Can’t Ask That: Suicide Attempt Survivors”. The event is scheduled to take place via Zoom on Wednesday, September 9th, between 12:00 PM – 12:45 PM Access this presentation from the following Zoom room: Please email Tara Holdamp at […]

September is National Suicide Prevention Month

National Suicide Prevention Month Starts Sunday, September 6th, 2020 Beads I wear gold beads to support the cause. I wear green beads for my personal struggle. I wear purple beads for the loss of a relative or friend. Learn More on GHC’s Student Support Services Social Media Accounts: Twitter: Instagram: LinkedIn: Facebook: […]

Emotional and Mental Health

Did you know USG provides an employee assistance program to employees and family members with free, comprehensive support and confidential counseling 24/7/365 through the KEPRO Employee Assistance Program (EAP)? You can receive up to 4 free counseling sessions per issue, along with unlimited work/life support resources. Call 844-243-4440 or visit the website and enter in company code: USGCares for more […]

30 Days of Gratitude – Day 8

Three Good Things Campaign: It is very easy… Before leaving work for the next 30 days simply write down three good things that happened to you today or three things that you are thankful for. Gratitude has a powerful impact on our physical and emotional well-being. Click Here for the Three Good Things Campaign worksheet

Watch and Share! Students at larger colleges this semester may feel like they don’t have any options. Let them know GHC can help!

WATCH AND SHARE this video of GHC student Anna Rubadue explaining why she left the University of Alabama to start taking classes at GHC this fall by clicking the social link you’d like to share to below: Facebook Twitter Instagram YouTube College is about getting the experience you’re looking for. If you know a student […]

REMINDER – Department Zoom Photo

Since we were not able to meet together in person for fall in-service, please plan a department Zoom meeting, by the end of September, where all participants wear their orange  I “heart” GHC t-shirt from last year, a different GHC logo t-shirt or a blue or orange shirt. Ask someone to capture a screen shot […]

Deadline Extended!

The deadline for application to the Motivation and Mindset Faculty Learning Community has been extended to September 13th.  If you are interested in the FLC, please visit the Mindset Summit Website for more information and to apply!