Spring 2023 TAP Applications Due Tomorrow, November 15th

The window to submit your Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) application for the spring semester is now open. TAP applications for Spring 2023  are due November 15th. – Following is the link to download and complete the TAP Application: Employee Application for Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) If you are a Part-Time Nursing Faculty please use the following link: Part-Time Nursing […]

Answer to Friday EAW question

Friday’s answer: Today’s question concerned the USG’s Conflict of Interest Policy. Which of the following statement(s) are true? A. USG employees have an ongoing responsibility to report and fully disclose any personal, professional, or financial interest that has the potential to create an actual or apparent conflict of interest with respect to the employee’s USG […]

USG e-clips for November 9, 2022

University System News: U.S. News Enrollment Dips for Second Year at Georgia Universities The number of students has fallen for a second straight year at Georgia’s public colleges and universities, even as the state’s most prestigious universities have kept growing. By JEFF AMY, Associated Press The number of students fell for a second straight year […]

USG e-clips for November 8, 2022

University System News: Athens CEO UGA Provides Tools for Rural Community Engagement and Economic Success Margaret Blanchard In rural areas of Georgia, like Grady County, losing young adults to schools and jobs in other cities and states can break the succession of community leaders, which are vital to future success. As an initial PROPEL (Planning […]

TAP Taxability Update

A recent change was made to the TAP policy which is impacting taxability requirements for TAP participants. The changes to the TAP Policy related to taxes are as follows and are effective for the calendar/tax year 2022: The TAP benefit is no longer taxable for TAP participants taking undergraduate courses, even those who exceed the […]

Remember to Read this Weekend!

Faculty and Staff, mark your calendars to join us in Zoom at one of the following times to discuss Chapters 2 & 3 of Relationship-Rich Education. The Zoom meeting link will be emailed to you. You may also access the Zoom meeting via the QR code or number on the bookmark in your book. Tues, Nov […]

Friday Ethics Question

Thursday’s Answer: Today’s question was about political activities by USG employees. True or False: Q: The Board of Regents Policy on Political Activities was revised this year and continues to protect an employee’s right of free expression but does require employees to take reasonable steps so that their expression of political views does not give […]