USG eClips – February 26, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: Republicans avoid internal fight over national academic standards BY WAYNE WASHINGTON – THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION What could have erupted into a fight among Republicans Tuesday didn’t, when the state Senate passed a law to review — but not immediately pull Georgia away from — the […]

USG eClips – February 19, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: House adopts sweeping gun bill BY AARON GOULD SHEININ – THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION Georgia’s House of Representatives voted Tuesday to let licensed gun owners carry their weapons in more places, sending the bill to the Senate where changes are likely. House Bill 875, which passed […]

USG eClips – January 28, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: House gun bill still expected By Aaron Gould Sheinin The Atlanta Journal-Constitution Supporters of expanded gun rights in Georgia had expected to have legislation introduced in the House on Monday, but legislative leaders said Tuesday is now the target. Rep. Rick Jasperse, R-Jasper, the main […]

USG eClips – January 27, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: Georgia lawmakers drop ‘campus carry’ effort BY AARON GOULD SHEININ AND KRISTINA TORRES – THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION House Republicans officially pulled the plug Friday on the concept of allowing qualified college students to carry firearms on campus, with leaders promising to file a bill Monday […]

USG eClips – January 24, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: ‘Campus carry’ in Georgia suffers blow BY AARON GOULD SHEININ AND KRISTINA TORRES – THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION A push to allow guns on Georgia’s college campuses all but stopped in its tracks Thursday after the Legislature’s lawyers marked a key measure as likely unconstitutional. The […]

USG eClips – January 23, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: Bill would require attendance at Georgia board meetings for reimbursement By WALTER C. JONES MORRIS NEWS SERVICE ATLANTA – Political appointees can’t “phone it in” if one Georgia lawmaker has his say. Members serving on one of 15 state boards would have to physically attend […]

USG eClips – January 22, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: Deal’s Budget Only Starts to Repair Damage to Schools By Blake Aued Public education has been a carnage in Georgia since the recession began in 2008. Budgets have been cut by billions of dollars, school years were shortened, and 9,000 teachers lost their jobs as […]

USG eClips – Jan. 21, 2014

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: University System of Georgia looks at privatizing student housing BY JANEL DAVIS – THE ATLANTA JOURNAL-CONSTITUTION The University System of Georgia wants to get out of the student housing business, and officials want a tax exemption to help them do it. The plan would involve […]

USG eClips

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS: Exclusive: Gov. Deal Will Propose Half-Billion Dollar Boost in Education Spending By DENIS O’HAYER In his annual State of the State message on Wednesday, Jan. 15, Georgia Governor Nathan Deal will announce what he has promised will be a significant jump in state spending for […]

USG eClips

University System News 2014 GENERAL ASSEMBLY SESSION NEWS GA lawmakers to revive effort to expand gun rights By The Associated Press ATLANTA (AP) Georgia lawmakers will be reviving an effort to expand gun rights, but will be starting over with new legislation and weighing the possibility of giving college presidents and religious leaders […]