Today: Perusall, New and Improved

Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading, audio, and video assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us today, Thursday, December 8 at 11 am, for a walk-through of Perusall’s new features, including quizzes, improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, […]

Remote Work agreement

Email went out yesterday with the Remote work request form. Staff should complete online Teleworking Request and submit a brief narrative to that outlines proposed remote work plans that ensures on-campus services are not interrupted. Staff should work with their manager to complete both. Please submit both by December 12th. Plans and requests […]

Perusall, New and Improved

Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading, audio, and video assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us on Thursday, December 8 at 11 am, for a walk-through of Perusall’s new features, including quizzes, improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, […]

Perusall, New and Improved

Perusall is a social annotation tool with a proven record of engaging students in reading, audio, and video assignments. This December, GHC will update its D2L Perusall integration. Join us on Thursday, December 8 at 11 am, for a walk-through of Perusall’s new features, including quizzes, improved grade passback, simpler scoring options, automatic roster sync, […]

New Policies Posted on Academic Progress, Concentrations, and Minors

Three new policies have been posted to GHC’s policy website.  They can all be found under the Academic and Student Affairs drop-down, Registrar subheading, or through the search feature at the top of the policy website page. Updated policy on Academic Progress (Warning, Probation, and Dismissal) – The policy was modified to reflect current practices. […]

Today: Why is equitable participation in experiential education so elusive?

“The Assessment Institute will host 5 complimentary Zoom-based 60-minute webinars throughout the year featuring national leaders from HIPs in the States (High-Impact Practices). These sessions are open to anyone in the higher education community.” Wed, November 30: Why is equitable participation in experiential education so elusive? Wed, February 22: What role(s) do student affairs educators play […]