Charger Kickoff information

Charger Kick-offAugust 25, 2023 The schedule and sign up from breakout sessions is open. Please register at: Important Announcements • T-shirts will be delivered to your Campus Dean next week. Be sure to wear you Charger Kick-off t-shirt as we will be taking a picture that day.• Plan to arrive at the Floyd/Rome campus […]

GHC Tutorial Center

Dear GHC Faculty,   The Tutorial Centers would love to visit your classes to help encourage students to take advantage of our free in-person and online services!   Please respond to this message if you are open to us arranging a visit from a tutor for your classes (typically lasts only about 5 minutes).  My email address is  […]

GHC closure for charger Kick off on August 25th

Greetings, Chargers! We are so happy to have everyone back at GHC and to see our sites buzzing with energy as the fall semester gets underway. That new year energy means it’s time for this year’s Charger Kick-off. Charger Kick-off is the perfect time to not only hear the latest and greatest about what’s going […]