CETL: Improving Performance through Grading

Grading Series: Improving Performance through Grading Wednesday, August 30, 2023  |  3-4 pm  |  Zoom  |  Facilitator: Josie Baudier Do you always get what you want from student projects? Do your students really understand your expectations on exams? Could anyone use your directions to complete an assignment based on your requirements? Join me to discuss […]

Covid reminders

As cases of Covid-19 increase, please keep in mind our current protocol for exposures and positive test results:   What should Employees/ Students do if they have tested positive for Covid-19? You should quarantine for 5 days from the time your symptoms first appeared and be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medications […]

Charger Kickoff information

Reminder- Charger Kick-off is this Friday, August 25, 20238:00 a.m. start time. The schedule and sign up from breakout sessions is open. Please register at: kickoff.highlands.edu * Note, some of the rooms may have changed due to demand of seats needed. If you go to the link and check your schedule, the correct room will […]