Expert Panel: Fostering Motivation: How to Get ‘Em to Care
Category Archives: Uncategorized
QM Rubric Update Course – Free for Now
The Quality Matters Higher Ed rubric was updated to the seventh edition on July 5, 2023. If you use the QM rubric for any online course reviews (including informal colleague/peer reviews or self-reviews), you will now need to use the updated seventh edition of the rubric. From now until January 5, 2024, the self-paced Rubric […]
Benefits Eligible Employees – Coming Soon! Total Rewards Statements
Benefits eligible employees, next month, you will receive a Total Rewards Statement from the University System of Georgia. Your statement will contain personalized details of your USG benefits package. The value of working for USG extends far beyond your paycheck! Your Total Rewards Statement will include: Your initial paper statement will be mailed to your […]
Expert Panel: Facilitating Great Discussions
Expert Panel: Facilitating Great Discussions
Photos from GHC Charger Kickoff!
The first Charger Kickoff was a great success, and now you can relive your favorite moments through these photos!
Meet The Chargers – Tuesday Sept 5 – Cartersville
LAST CALL to join a CETL Book FLC!
We have a few books left. Click on the book title to register. Book FLC: The Productive Online and Offline Professor Sept. 6, Oct. 4, & Nov. 8, 2023 | 1:30-2:30 pm | Zoom | Facilitator: Teresa Hutchins “What does it mean to be a productive professor in higher education? What would it feel like to […]
Thank you from the GHC Employee Ambassadors
Thank you all for participating in the Silent Auction event at the Charger Kick-off. Because of your support, we look forward to planning a fall event for each campus soon. Stay tuned for more information about the Fall employee appreciation luncheons in the coming weeks. We need more volunteers to help host these important events […]
Expert Panel: Facilitating Great Discussions
Expert Panel: Facilitating Great Discussions
Covid Reminders
As cases of Covid-19 increase in Georgia, please keep in mind our current protocol for exposures and positive test results: What should Employees/ Students do if they have tested positive for Covid-19? You should quarantine for 5 days from the time your symptoms first appeared and be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever […]