Time for this week’s GHAME Stat. Georgia Highlands College’s GHAME Initiative (Georgia Highlands African American and Minority Male Excellence) is part of the University System’s AAMI (African American Male Initiative). GHAME started at GHC in 2008. Although many USG colleges and universities have their own AAMI program, GHC’s GHAME is the longest continuous AAMI program […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Academic ER: Setting Boundaries and Expectations
Academic ER is a new series of webinars from CETL entitled “Academic ER: Online (and Face-to-Face) Faculty Well-Being for a Better Work/Life Balance.” The purpose of this series is to help faculty, both online and face-to-face, avoid burnout. Please join us on January 10 at 2:00 pm in Teams for our first session which discusses […]
Academic ER: Setting Boundaries and Expectations
Academic ER is a new series of webinars from CETL entitled “Academic ER: Online (and Face-to-Face) Faculty Well-Being for a Better Work/Life Balance.” The purpose of this series is to help faculty, both online and face-to-face, avoid burnout. Please join us on January 10 at 2:00 pm in Teams for our first session which discusses […]
Men’s Basketball game Saturday Jan. 6th at 2:00pm
Chargers play at home today 2:00pm Come out and support your Chargers!
Academic ER: Setting Boundaries and Expectations
Academic ER is a new series of webinars from CETL entitled “Academic ER: Online (and Face-to-Face) Faculty Well-Being for a Better Work/Life Balance.” The purpose of this series is to help faculty, both online and face-to-face, avoid burnout. Please join us on January 10 at 2:00 pm in Teams for our first session which discusses […]
Academic ER: Setting Boundaries and Expectations
Academic ER is a new series of webinars from CETL entitled “Academic ER: Online (and Face-to-Face) Faculty Well-Being for a Better Work/Life Balance.” The purpose of this series is to help faculty, both online and face-to-face, avoid burnout. Please join us on January 10 at 2:00 pm in Teams for our first session which discusses […]
GHC Online Course Reviews
GHC Online Course Reviews
QM Rubric Update Course Free Until Friday
The Quality Matters Higher Ed rubric was updated to the seventh edition on July 5, 2023. If you use the QM rubric for any online course reviews (including informal colleague/peer reviews or self-reviews), you will now need to use the updated seventh edition of the rubric. From now until January 5, 2024, the self-paced Rubric […]
Reading Circle #1
Georgia Highlands Reading Circles will start later in January via D2L and Microsoft Teams. You still have time to sign up and get the book. Open to Staff and Faculty, the Reading Circles are small group reads with D2L discussion boards and two or three evening discussions via Teams over the course of a month […]
Women’s and Men’s Basketball games tonight 5:30pm/7:30pm
Come out and support your Lady Chargers and Chargers tonight! GHC Lady Chargers vs. East Georgia State College 5:30pm GHC Chargers vs Roane State College 7:30pm