Floyd Library Hosting DIGS Artists!

The Floyd Campus library is partnering with the non-profit group DIGS to host an art show and reception on Thursday, May 2, from 6PM to 7:30PM. The artists will be on hand to chat with visitors and sell their work, which fosters a sense of independence with the experience. You can view the artists’ work […]

2024 Money Monday Sessions

11:30AM – 1:30PM    2nd & 4th Monday of each month April 22nd Social Security & Your Retirement presented by Corebridge Financial   May 13th Embracing the New Longevity – Eldercare & Long-Term Care presented by Corebridge Financial To register for additional Money Monday sessions, visit www.usg.edu/well-being/events.

Charger Chat Recording

Thank you to everyone who attended yesterday’s Charger Chat! We had Gian Floyd present. Gina spoke about the changes to the general education provided by GHC. This does impact everyone and the language we use to describe the courses taken by students.  If you were unable to attend, the Zoom link is below. https://highlands.zoom.us/rec/share/MT61TX16bLq16yAZqq9ASJXl8uYK-2jGKAT3r2GeAgB6Xou_QWvXsZYx-soNCqOv.Sep-KfXV9kva1Q7p  (No […]