Updated Campus Guidelines

Georgia Highlands College recently updated the campus guidelines based on recommendations from the CDC and GDPH as well as new guidelines to campuses issued by the University System of Georgia on May 13, 2021. Visit chargeahead.highlands.edu for more details about GHC’s new campus guidelines, information for students, information for employees, and a comprehensive FAQs page. Data and reports regrading […]

Next Week In Wellness

Be sure to mark your calendars for next week’s exciting Wellness events: Date Time Sponsor Activity Monday, 6/28 11:30 am USG Well-being Yoga (All Levels) Monday, 6/28 12:00 pm USG Well-being Money Monday: Protecting Your Credit Tuesday, 6/29 10:00 am USG Well-being Office Stretch Break Tuesday, 6/29 1:00 pm KEPRO Maximizing Your Day: Effective time […]

Bachelor’s degree at GHC provides opportunity to advance in criminal justice career

Kevin Morang has been working in criminal justice for a number of years. He served as a police officer for the Rome Police Department from 2005 to 2016. And now, he works for the Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC) and teaches courses for the Georgia Highlands College-based Georgia Police Academy. Morang said when it […]

New Parental Leave Policy

In May 2021, Governor Kemp signed a new Parental Leave law for state employees. The new law and University System of Georgia (USG) policy on parental leave is effective on July 1, 2021. USG employees who meet the established eligibility criteria and experience a qualifying life event as defined below may request parental leave.   […]

Will a COVID-19 Vaccine Be Required at GHC?

Statement from the University System of Georgia (USG): Since the beginning of the pandemic, the University System of Georgia has worked closely with the Georgia Department of Public Health and the Governor’s Office and Task Force to carry out its primary mission of educating students in a healthy and safe manner. Through effective planning, USG […]

GHC holds STEM open house for Paulding County educators

Georgia Highlands College (GHC) recently hosted 35 educators from the Paulding County School District to engage in a Science Technology Engineering and Math (STEM) professional development workshop. The event, held at GHC’s Cartersville site, featured liquid nitrogen demonstrations, chemical reactions and chemistry experiments, DNA activities and demonstrations, bacteria and medical microbiology, concepts on electricity, demonstrations […]

Biweekly Payroll Reminder

Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees  Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked and all Absence Request for the June 13 – June 26, 2021 pay period by 4:00pm, Thursday, June 24th . Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not be paid for any time or absences […]

GHC celebrates class of 2020 with special event

Georgia Highlands College’s class of 2020 endured the effects of a pandemic as they successfully navigated a path to graduation last year. To further emphasize their success and to finally hold an in-person event after their virtual 2020 graduation, GHC held a special celebration on the Cartersville site recently. The event, which included cap and […]

New Student Access to D2L

Unlike other IT systems at GHC, new students do not automatically have access to D2L.  Typically, our first upload of courses, instructors, and students from Banner to D2L for each semester happens as follows. Fall semester: Mid-July, Spring semester: Mid-November Summer Semester Mid-April. After the first data upload for that semester, course assignment, new enrollments, […]