Did you know? The GHC Foundation has been committed to supporting the GHC community since 1973. Thanks to the generosity of our donors, the GHC Foundation is pleased to make a number of scholarships available to our current students. Please join the GHC Foundation during Friday’s In-Service at the Floyd Campus and complete a 2022 […]
Category Archives: Uncategorized
OneUSG Connect Will Be Unavailable 11:15 p.m., August 19, 2021, – 7 a.m., August 20, 2021
Good Morning, OneUSG Connect will be unavailable to all University System of Georgia employees from 11:15 p.m., Thursday, August 19, 2021, until 7 a.m., Friday, August 20, 2021. During this time, Employee Self Service and Manager Self Service may be intermittently unavailable. Timeclocks and Benefits will be available. If you have any questions, please email payroll@highlands.edu. Thank […]
CETL: 21 Ways to Structure an Online Discussion, Pt. 2
https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/online-education/online-student-engagement/21-ways-to-structure-an-online-discussion-part-two/ Visit CETL Discussions: 21 Ways to Structure an Online Discussion or check GHC Inform each Wednesday for the next installment of 21 Ways to Structure an Online Discussion
Visit Your New EAP Site
USG and Kepro are excited to announce a new, customizable Employee Assistance Program (EAP) website — USG MyLifeExpert. This secure and confidential member website is open and ready for you right now! To start, go to usg.mylifeexpert.com and enter the company code: USGCares. From there, establish your unique login and password. The site is accessible […]
Biweekly Payroll Reminder
Good Morning, Timesheet Approval for All Biweekly Employees Biweekly Employees: Please enter all time worked and all Absence Request for the August 08 – August 21, 2021 pay period by 4:00pm, Thursday, August 19th. Employees no longer need to approve their own timesheet, however, employees will not be paid for any time or absences that […]
GHC Ambassadors Silent Auction
GHC Family, Don’t forget to stop by the Solarium Friday, August 20th during the In-Service concurrent sessions at 9:00, 9:45 and 10:30 to bid on items! We have a wide variety of handmade and unique items to chose from. Money collected from the silent auction items, help the GHC Employee Ambassadors continue to offer a […]
Sign Up Today for the Fall Step Challenge
Join us for the U.S. National Parks Virtual Challenge August 16 – September 26. Click here to Join the Challenge! One of the best ways to improve mental health is to get outdoors. Get motivated by joining the upcoming U.S. National Parks Virtual Challenge. Team up with colleagues and embark on a virtual journey to some of […]
You are just a few clicks away from subscribing to the “GHC Today” news center
The official news center for Georgia Highlands College is now live at ghctoday.highlands.edu Visit and share news from this site to learn more about all the great things happening at GHC. Best of all, you can subscribe to get news updates from the site by filling out your name and email on this page: https://sites.highlands.edu/ghctoday/subscribe/ […]
Attention Faculty: The Library Instruction Café is coming!
Your GHC Library is hosting the Library Instruction Café for faculty August 23rd-26th across all locations! Chat with a librarian, learn about Book Bucks and instruction services, and grab some cafe treats. Visit the Library Instruction Café Guide to get a sneak peek at the menu and to see the full Café schedule. If you are not able […]
New Professional Advisors
The advising department is welcoming two new academic advisors this fall term! Stephanie Marchant is joining the Marietta Site and Edward Jones is joining the Cartersville Site. Stephanie Marchant began training at the Cartersville campus Monday, August 2nd. She comes from the Perimeter advising team working with students from all pathways. She is so excited […]