Accessibility Summer Camp

Accessibility Summer Camp 2022  When: Friday, June 17 What: A FREE annual virtual conference with the goal of connecting professionals and educators with best practices in accessibility. Why: To provide accessibility professional development that empowers attendees to create quality accessible learning environments and remove barriers for all individuals who have a desire to learn Register […]

GHC faculty-created textbook free to students, wins national award

The nursing faculty at Georgia Highlands College (GHC) have been busy. A GHC faculty-created textbook called “Introduction to Nursing” is not only available to students for free – it has also been chosen for a national MERLOT Health Sciences Classics Award for 2022. The text – used during the “Introduction to Nursing” class – covers […]

Free WW for Kaiser HMO Plan

USG Well-being has partnered with Kaiser to offer the WW Program (formerly Weight Watchers) at no cost to employees and eligible spouses enrolled in the Kaiser HMO plan. This offering is being introduced to provide weight loss/management support for Kaiser members similar to the Livongo weight loss/management support offered to employees enrolled in the Anthem […]

Media Accessibility

CETL’s media accessibility lab opens today! In this 4-day asynchronous professional development opportunity (in D2L), you’ll learn how to add appropriate alt-tags to images, caption and assess the production quality of a video, curate video resources, and embed a video in a D2L page. You can expect to work independently for about four hours from […]

Rome Library Hosts: The Georgia Open History Library

Visit the Rome campus library from March 8 – March 17 to explore primary source documents on Georgia’s History. Topics range from Georgia’s founding to the Revolutionary War. Documents can be viewed digitally anytime, and a physical set of the books will be available at the Rome GHC library during the exhibit dates. For questions about the […]