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Category Archives: Uncategorized
CETL: Front-Page February #13
#13: Student Check-in
Ken Reaves Book Interview Recording
If you missed Ken Reaves and the SMP discussing his books, you can see the recording here. We also have free copies of his books available still.
CETL Lab: Advanced D2L
Register for Lab: Advanced D2L
CETL: Front-Page February #12
#12: Find Study Partners
Lady Chargers Sophomore night, Wednesday Feb. 16th @ 5:30pm
Sophomore Lady Chargers will be recognized during their game on Wednesday Feb. 16th @5:30pm COME OUT AND SUPPORT YOUR LADY CHARGERS!
Georgia Highlands College Celebrates Black History Counteracting Biases–Fri., Feb. 25th, 10am-11am
Georgia Highlands College Celebrates Black History Counteracting Biases Friday, February 25th 10am-11am (VIRTUAL ZOOM WORKSHOP) Dr. Bentley Gibson (Associate Professor of Psychology at Georgia Highlands College) will lead this one-hour workshop for your organization. The workshop will expose participants to information about Black history that highlights Black people as contributors to American society and the […]
CETL: Front-Page February #11
#11: Model a Study Guide
Ken Reaves, Virtual Book Discussion, Feb. 15, 2pm
Join Ken Reaves, Marietta Campus Dean, as he discusses with members of the Six Mile Post his two books, “Sometimes I Wish” and “A Fishing Day with Uncle J”. Tuesday, February 15, 2pm, via Zoom. Zoom link here, passcode: ghc *do not share the Zoom link and password on public-facing outlets. Non-GHC participants should email […]
Men’s Basketball game Tuesday, Feb. 15th, 7:00pm
Chargers play home Tuesday, Feb. 15th, vs. East Georgia State at 7:00pm Lady Chargers play home Wednesday at 5:30, please join us as we recognize our Sophomore Lady Chargers on this night!